Friday, December 17, 2010

Tips:Hiding Ana

                                    Hiding Ana
  • Go to the kitchen and grab some snacks every now and then and take them to your room where they can quickly find the trash can and everyone thinks you've eaten.

  • Make a big deal of it when you do eat...make it really obvious.(I don't mean shout out...'Look I'm eating' just make sure people see you do it!!!)

  • Eat a small piece of strong scented food (onion and garlic do it for me) and people will think you've eaten something due to the breath issue!

  • When you start losing weight, wear baggier clothes to hide the loss.

  • When you get dizzy/head-rushes in front of people, LIE! Say you're ill or have had a real bad headache all day or are tired.

  • Wear foundation/concealer to give your dulling complexion a boost.

  • At meal times, when a plate is pushed in front of you, grab it and say you're going to eat it in your room...straight into the trash can.

  • When a 'treat' is bought for you i.e. a tub of your fav ice cream or candies, take small amounts out every now and then and throw in the trash, that way people will think you're always nibbling
  • 1 comment:

    1. Anorexia IS a disease NOT a lifestyle. You need to tell you parent(s)/guardian about your problem and seek medical help. It is mental illness, and you can get better! Beautiful is not synonymous with 'thin'. Marylin Monroe was worshiped for her beauty- she was a size 14! People love you for a confident and fun and honest personality! Go learn an instrument, or do something productive with your life! It's such a blessing to be alive, I don't want to see you wasting it, please, you can stop now! Please get help, you are making yourself sick!
